Green Dome

 An urban installation for raising awareness about upcycling.


Green Dome was a representation of upcycling with use of plastic bottles as viols for plants. When 5000 of those viols came together they had another function of being a cover coat for the dome.

Environmental Graphic Design
Bihter Çelik, Mutlu Güngör, Linda Büyüksimkeşyan, Sezin Karcan Kaya
Practices: Urban Installation & System Design, Graphic Design, Workshop Design

The Project

Green Dome insallation had been part of Üsküdar coastline for the second half of the March. During the time, it hosted Zero Waste workshops for kids. The dome that partially covered with plants acted as a hub for recycling, upcycling and zero waste practices and discussions.


Hopscotch aimed to emphasize the ideas of the Green Dome installation wanted to express by gamifying the idea of Zero Waste. In this way, we tried to play by producing and discovering new ideas with an alternated game! If you want to use it as an example, our rules are below!

1- Select a card from the deck. Get a stone. And try to throw the stone into the #ZeroWaste pyramid.
2- In order to pass the box you throw your stone on play hopscotch. When you finish the pyramid, jump back.
3- On the way back you will get the stone you left on the ground, but in order to avoid the object on your card to go to waste, you should first use the method written in your card for a solution. Tell the other players what you come up with.
4- If other players approve your solution, pick up the stone and complete the first round. Complete the other boxes.
You will win when you finish all!

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